How to use the Field Tarp/Poncho M90

How to use the Field Tarp/Poncho M90

The Tap/Poncho was a project thought up by Tac-Up Gears creator Martin which wanted to incorporate a tarp, bivybag and pocho into one product. The result became a thicker, sturdier and heavier piece than are usually found on the market.
The product is available here!

Size matters:
To be able to shield the user in either Poncho style while carrying a pack or as Basha/OP/Lone Wolf the size of the tarp is large enough to accommodate all these without feeling to short or not wide enough!

Field tarp Poncho M90 in poncho mode

Field tarp Poncho M90 in poncho mode

Bivybag / Tube:
Using the different sides of zippers you could make it into a long rectangle to put your sleeping bag in or you could zipper it up in a more square configuration where you can sit in it / creep into it for maximum shielding from wind and rain.

Field tarp Poncho M90 warming up bag

Field tarp Poncho M90 warming up bag

Field tarp Poncho M90 as a tube

Field tarp Poncho M90 as a tube

One man bivy configuration

One man bivy configuration

Using it in a basha / normal lean-too configuration just pull the hood cord close and roll the hood and fasten it with the flap on the outside to “plug” the hole. Use the eyelets and loops to hook it up or string it the way you want to get simple shelter!

Lone Wolf shelter set up

Lone Wolf shelter set up

Picture from our photoshoot, one way to use the tarp

Picture from our photoshoot, one way to use the tarp

Tarp Poncho M90 set up in camp mode by French Survivalist

Tarp Poncho M90 set up in shelter mode by French Survivalist

Campsite in French forest autumn 2014

Campsite in French forest autumn 2014

French Survivalist gathers water from the rain

French Survivalist gathers water from the rain

Close up on raindrops gliding of the roof

Close up on raindrops gliding of the roof

OP made by Swedish Homeguard

OP made by Swedish Homeguard

Customer picture featuring a lone wolf shelter

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